469-701-0232 [email protected]

Posting more regularly and relevantly


I apologize for not posting more often in the last few years or keeping up with the blog information wise. When you spend 99.9% of your time servicing clients, you tend to forget to continue sharing knowledge and trying to market yourself product wise.

We’ve got a SEO guide coming out shortly that’s EXTREMELY relevant for Google My Business/Google Maps and Local SEO. If you aren’t doing these things tactically or prepared to fight your competition combating these tactics, may God have mercy on your soul and business marketing…

(***** I don’t recommend these tactics or sell them. However, you cannot defeat your enemy if you do not know them. I’m a student of Sun Tzu. ***** )

To all of those listening or not, Google was kind enough to grace us with the knowledge that they’re overtly changing things in the next two months. That’s rare… Uncommon… It’s a major — PAY ATTENTION TO THIS — change.

Don’t Be Afraid!!!!!

The worst thing you can do in response to a change in Google’s algorithm is to react immediately, irresponsibly and irrationally. A change implemented today may be rolled back tomorrow. Don’t fix what isn’t broken!

The best thing you can do is sit on it for a week and see if Google rolls back their changes (they typically do if they seriously F’d up — not uncommon).

As long as you’re doing your best to deliver relevant, knowledgeable content… authoritative…. user friendly pages — Google isn’t looking for you punitively!

You’re helping Google out!

You’re the “good guys”. Keep doing what you’re doing and delivering the best content and knowledge you can to the public, and Google will continue to reward you for it.

Pending Change!

Google is shoving a site speed/UX test up your nearest orifice… Run your site through this testing url. If you’re in the red… this algorithm update may not like your site very much…



This may sound cliche… It may sound like some random marking or human relations BS line… Take the advise for what it is, and not what you’ve been taught to think it is…

SEO During a Google Update

If your strategy has been working and you’re not doing a black hat style of manipulation — Persevere — Don’t abandon it when Google makes a change! Have faith in your work product and ride out the changes. 9 times out of 10 — You’re going to keep riding the wave and winning, because you played by the book and paid attention to best practices and didn’t cheat.

If you’re unsure of any of the above in your marketing strategy, we’re happy to help. My company slogan is, “We get paid to make you money” and I stand by it!

~Digital Jedi Master